Today I had no finals, which should mean that I'm happy...well, I was...until right now. You see, the Macintosh computers at QU are a crucial part of the Interactive Digital Design curriculum... In order to do homework I pretty much need a Macintosh. Unfortunately, they seem to run scarce on our campus, especially during finals week. I was happily using one earlier today in our school's Mac lab until I was told to leave by a professor who had a final class coming in. This is understandable seeing as the final class needed to render their final projects (a term which here means sit and watch while the computer processes information for sometimes hours at a time). I was fine with that-it allowed me a break for dinner and some time for the swelling, that I'm sure was occurring in my head due to excessive exposure to the program Flash, to go down. What triggered my mood to go from <:-) to something more along the lines of >:-( was the fact that when I came back to the library to look for open computers there were none and when I went to the lab nearly an hour after leaving it originally, I found several open computers and a locked door with the class still inside! It wasn't the fact that the there were empty computers in the classroom that made me angry as it was that the door was locked so I couldn't even ask the professor when he would be done!
Okay, enough of that rant...One thing I really like about blogging is that it kind of puts things in perspective. Here I am feeling annoyed and frustrated, but then I write down how I'm feeling this way and realize that things that seem to really matter don't as much when they're in writing next to an angry bean cartoon wearing a hat that was probably borrowed from Frank Sinatra.
Besides all these negative vibes (dudddee...) I would like to comment on how nice a day it was! There's so much to be thankful for-the beautiful weather, friends and family, chocolate milk, and of course laughter...I think I should write for Hallmark. I hope all of you out there in blog land are doing well. I'll catch ya later.