This week I searched for adventure across this great big land.
It's only Friday and I am already having a difficult time remembering what I did... I went to work (I know that because I filled in hours for the day on my time sheet) but what followed work is a blur to me. Ah! I watched Definitely, Maybe with my mom and ate a delicious chicken wrap.
Observation(s) from the day: I am in the (looooong) process of painting my room and I still can't decide on the final color scheme. I have noticed that I no longer just watch movies for their plot. I now watch movies in hopes to getting inspired by the wall colors in each scene. Definitely, Maybe had a few walls that greatly appealed to me. I am definitely going to be painting my walls yellow...maybe (homage to the movie title. I hope someone got that.)
Tuesday was a lot of fun! I went to work again (as I did every day this week) and got to "do lunch" with the wonderful people in my department. I also got offered a job after my internship ends! (I'm interning for the summer in the creative department of a company and I get to use a Mac all day which could be dangerous because there are so many fun things to do on it...) After work went to a FREE comedy show in a park. I was accompanied by some great friends and some really outstanding food made by them. Here's an example of one of the very distracting and amusing tools that the Mac offers:

Observation(s) from the day: I like Australian accents. One of the comedians had one and hearing him speak was a great pleasure to my ears.
In keeping with the hopes of saving money by attending free events in the area, I spent Wednesday evening taking in the sounds of the local pops concert. I saw someone dressed liked Princess Leia at the beginning of the show and spent the rest of the show trying to understand why she was there. I also uploaded pictures at work today for an Olympics event that we had. I found one picture particularly humorous and I actually laughed out loud when I saw it. It's of my team playing Nintendo Wii. Everyone is smiling and watching the game in a normal manner and then there is me...I have my head tilted back and look like someone has just told me the most hilarious story that I have ever heard. It was bizarre to me. I wish that I could go back to that moment and understand what I was doing. See if you can pick me out:
Observation(s) from the day: It's wonderful to make new friends and reconnect with old ones. I went to the concert with a girl named Lily whom I went to high school with. We were never very close during high school, but hanging out with her now was so much fun. I have noticed that it is so much easier to talk to people from high school now than it was when we were actually still in high school. Maybe the lines between clicks have blurred or don't exist at all anymore. Whatever it is, I like it.
Free event! Free event! I got to see Eve6 (Ah!) in concert for free on Thursday night! Such a great time! I also ran into a few people from high school, which is always equal parts exciting and awkward. Afterwards, my friend Hayley and I headed over to this awesome restaurant/jazz lounge in town and listened to some more FREE music. We also saw a free example of Brazilian dance-fighting called Capoeira. There is just nothing like free stuff.
Observation(s) from the day: I love free events! I also noticed that the city that these free events were in is beginning to flourish culturally and artistically. I am extremely excited by this because it makes being home from college (where there were free events pretty much all of the time) that much easier on my wallet. The dance-fighting that we saw was also pretty hardcore/amazing.
Well, today is Friday and the evening's events are yet to be written. I accepted the job offer :-)
Observation(s) from the day (thus far): Everyone at work is really great!
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