I just spent a week and a half in Minnesota with my best friend, Sarah. My goals while there included relaxing by the lake, reading something other than a magazine or blog, journaling, and spending time with
Sarah before she leaves for her next adventure - missions work in Lithuania. An unexpected addition to my list was taking photos. These days, taking photos has become one of my favorite hobbies, so why was the notion of taking photos so unexpected? The answer - because I don't have a camera at the moment. BUT as soon as I realized that Sarah had a digital camera that she was willing to let me use I got to work.
I learned about the fisheye lens from my cousin a few years ago, but always thought that they were a bit too rich for my blood (some of them can be expensive!) so I never invested in one. Then, while en route to Minnesota from California, Sarah and I stopped at an Apple store to get her phone fixed. While she chatted with a nice Australian saleswoman, I started googling whatever was on my mind. "How to make a fisheye lens" came up along with driving directions to the nearest Michael's and some other randrom thoughts. Within seconds I was flooded with page upon page of fisheye instructions. The most economical solution I came across called for a
peephole for a door.
Borrowed digital camera + $5 peephole = the photos below.