--Rosalia de Castro
My best friend Sarah and I recently embarked on a pedal to the metal road trip from California to Minnesota. The experience was especially epic because it marked our last big adventure together before she leaves to do year-long missions work in Lithuania. We both agreed that it would be a good way to get sick of one another in order to make the approaching separation easier. We did have our tense moments - the most memorable being a livid "discussion" about where to sleep. I argued the car, she pleaded a hotel. I broke and we settled into an Econolodge at 2am on our second night of the trip. Looking back, I'm glad that I got to shower, but will still argue that the Econolodge's continental breakfast left something to be desired.
Road tripping has become such a big part of my life over the past year. Even so, as I sit in my room back on the East coast reflecting on all of the amazing traveling I have been blessed to do and writing this blog post, I still feel the passion and freedom of the open road surging through my veins and an itch to get out there again and explore. I love having a friend like Sarah to talk travel with. She's going to do amazing things in Lithuania and I can't wait to hear about everything that God is teaching her there.
1 comment:
I feel privileged because a.) I got a shout out on your sweet blog and b.) I took some of the pictures posted. Though they were digitally enhanced, I'll still take some of the credit. And by the way, I think the Econolodge was worth it for the mere fact that we didn't have to eat NATURAL pb AND jelly for one morning! Loves ya!
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